
NexumAPI can be used in lieu of any SymXchange request. We offer a completely JSON-encoded alternative to SOAP, as well as access to a growing list of additional features.


At Libum, we understand what it's like building full-stack apps that integrate with the Symitar core. If there's a way we can improve the feature set of NexumAPI, please let us know on Discord or through our Feedback portal.

Key concepts


SymXchange is an API that leverages web services that provide third-party vendors, credit unions, and JHA products the ability to access the system database. With SymXchange, you can use third-party vendor applications to perform transactions, inquiries, file maintenance, and run PowerOn specfiles on member accounts.

SymXchange uses XML and Web Services Description Language (WSDL) files with SOAP specifications to implement web services over client and third-party system network .

NexumAPI attributes

NexumAPI attributes are a mechanism for users to optionally include in each request payload to gain access to custom features of SymXchange only available through NexumAPI. As an example, we offer an attribute called customFields which enables the user to include metadata they wish to bubble up to their logging transports.

Example of customFields

In this example, the appId field will be included in the logs to reflect which application the request originated from.

// ...
"nxAttributes": {
  "customFields": {
    "appId": "glaci"
// ...


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